Toddler Child Care in Canton, MD | Celebree School

Child Care in Baltimore, MD


Big Adventures Begin With Tiny Steps

Toddlers discover joy and wonder in life’s simplest moments. For them, every experience is a new adventure, as they explore their newfound mobility and encounter a world that’s three-dimensional and full of possibilities. At this stage of rapid growth and development, they are always on the move, challenging their abilities and pushing boundaries.

At Celebree School of Canton, our toddler day care program is designed to embrace this exciting phase of life. We provide a stimulating yet secure environment where toddlers can safely explore, learn, and grow. With careful guidance from our experienced educators, children enjoy activities that blend fun and discovery while incorporating key elements of early childhood education. Understand our approach to child care in Baltimore, MD, and enroll your child today.

Our Toddler Program

Our toddler program is thoughtfully curated to nurture your child’s natural curiosity while helping them build important skills and habits. At Celebree School of Canton, we believe in creating a space where toddlers can thrive socially, emotionally, and cognitively.

Our classrooms are equipped with engaging learning centers that inspire creativity and imagination. These spaces encourage toddlers to explore the world around them and interact with their peers. Through activities such as group play, storytelling, and hands-on exploration, children develop critical social skills and begin to understand their environment.

In addition to fostering creativity, we place a strong emphasis on structure and routine. By establishing consistent daily activities, toddlers build a sense of security and predictability, which lays the groundwork for future learning success.

Education You Can Trust

At Celebree School of Canton, we pride ourselves on delivering early childhood education you can rely on. Our dedicated and highly trained teachers make learning enjoyable and engaging for toddlers while adhering to Celebree School’s proven early education curriculum.

Our program includes developmentally appropriate group activities that focus on language and literacy, math, and science. Toddlers are encouraged to explore these subjects through playful and interactive lessons that spark their curiosity and lay the foundation for a lifetime of learning.

Healthy eating habits and self-help skills are also key components of our curriculum. Teachers guide toddlers in learning to feed themselves, clean up after activities, and manage other basic tasks, promoting independence and confidence.


A Celebree child care giver sitting with toddlers during circle time and pointing to her eyes while a little girl covers her eyes with her fingers.

Our toddler program sets the excellence standard for all early childhood education centers focusing on preschool and kindergarten readiness.

Personal Spaces

Personal Spaces

Each child has his or her own cot and cubby for their personal belongings. Individual spaces around the classroom are dedicated to various aspects of learning and play.

Family-Teacher Partnerships

Family-Teacher Partnership

We cultivate a partnership between our parents and educators to provide the best environment for our toddlers. To maintain the schedule they follow at home, parents provide a detailed and updated schedule of their child’s activities.

Progress Reports

Progress Reports

Teachers prepare a semi-annual Progress Report to chart and display each child’s growth and success, allowing for comparison to past quarters to develop an individualized plan for growth.

Daily Reports

Daily Reports

Each evening, teachers provide parents with a report of their child’s day. All meal times, diaper changes, nap times, and play times are documented.

Contact your Celebree School of Canton to schedule a visit with your child and experience our Toddler Program today.


Conscious Discipline
Teaching Strategies
Celebree School of Canton
3904 Boston Street
Baltimore, MD, 21224
Come Join Us For A Visit!

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