Millions of people will be watching the Master’s Championship this weekend, many of them parents with their children at their side. It’s the type of moment that can inspire children to take up a sport that becomes a lifelong aspiration or pursuit....
You know the moment. You’re driving in the car and a song you haven’t heard in 10-15 years comes on the radio. Despite the time, you still sing every word of it. You remember the words, the tune, the pauses, even the drum solos. The power of music on our...
It’s a given that art is important for all children, starting at the earliest age. Early on, it’s about the tactile feeling of creating art – the fingers in the paint (an inevitably in the hair and on the face,) the hands on the paper. Soon, it...
Child Care Oversight and Regulation Lead To Increased Focus on Educational Objectives and Kindergarten Preparedness By Richard Huffman, CEO/President of Celebree Learning Centers In Maryland, oversight of daycare, childcare and early education has moved away from the...
Most people have incredibly fond memories of books from their childhood. Maybe there was one book in particular that you read over and over. Or maybe it was the experience of going to the library and having shelf after shelf of books at the ready for you. Or perhaps...
While dental health is important to everyone, many children and adults admit that they don’t really look forward to a trip to the dentist. To create a fun way for children to learn more about the dentist and overcome their fear, Kindergarten Readiness teacher...