blog | Celebree School - Page 16
Celebree Connect June 4th

Celebree Connect June 4th

Happy PJ Day Celebree Families! We’re excited to bring you another ‘Celebree Connect’. My name is Stefanie Shurer, and I have the privilege to bring our Celebree curriculum to your home each day! Whether you are at home with your child or just want some added...
Celebree Connect June 4th

Celebree Connect June 3rd

Happy Sidewalk Chalk Day Celebree Families! We’re excited to bring you another ‘Celebree Connect’. My name is Stefanie Shurer, and I have the privilege to bring our Celebree curriculum to your home each day! Whether you are at home with your child or just want...
Celebree Connect June 4th

Celebree Connect June 2nd

Happy Tuesday Celebree Families! We’re excited to bring you another ‘Celebree Connect’. My name is Stefanie Shurer, and I have the privilege to bring our Celebree curriculum to your home each day! Whether you are at home with your child or just want some added...
Celebree Connect June 4th

Celebree Connect June 1st

Happy Mail a Hug Day Celebree Families! We’re excited to bring you another ‘Celebree Connect’. My name is Stefanie Shurer, and I have the privilege to bring our Celebree curriculum to your home each day! Whether you are at home with your child or just want some...
Celebree Connect June 4th

Celebree Connect May 29th

Happy Yoga & Zen Day Celebree Families! We’re excited to bring you another ‘Celebree Connect’. My name is Stefanie Shurer, and I have the privilege to bring our Celebree curriculum to your home each day! Whether you are at home with your child or just want...
Celebree Connect June 4th

Celebree Connect May 28th

Happy X Marks the Spot Day Celebree Families! We’re excited to bring you another ‘Celebree Connect’. My name is Stefanie Shurer, and I have the privilege to bring our Celebree curriculum to your home each day! Whether you are at home with your child or just want...