blog | Celebree School - Page 4
How to Manage Toddler Temper Tantrums

How to Manage Toddler Temper Tantrums

Dealing with temper tantrums can be challenging, but they are a normal part of child development. By Kristen Miller, Celebree School Director of Education Posted on Today’s Parent Tackling temper tantrums is no easy feat, and maintaining your composure during...
Indoor Games for a Hot Summer Day

Indoor Games for a Hot Summer Day

Can’t beat the heat? Then don’t! Here’s our list of games and activities for kids that will keep them entertained indoors. By Grace Draznin, Today’s Parent Whether it be rain or intense (sun) shine, there are some summer days when staying...
Developmental Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children

Developmental Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children

Summer is the perfect time for children to explore the great outdoors, where playtime becomes an essential part of their growth and development. Outdoor activities are not just fun and games; they hold significant benefits for a child’s physical, social,...
10 Tips to Foster a Love for Reading in Early Childhood

10 Tips to Foster a Love for Reading in Early Childhood

At Celebree, we understand the vital role of nurturing a passion for reading in a child’s early development. Cultivating strong reading skills is fundamental for academic achievement, fostering critical thinking, enhancing concentration, and sparking imagination...