blog | Celebree School - Page 40

Teacher Appreciation Week

Celebree Learning Centers asks you to join in celebrating teachers during PTA Teacher Appreciation Week, held May 2-6, 2016. Since 1984, The PTA has designated the first week in May as a special time to honor the men and women who lend their passion and skills to...

Celebree Chats Earth Day with FOX 45 Baltimore

Celebree Learning Centers Training Coordinator Stefanie Shurer, discussed interesting and unique ways to celebrate this year’s Earth Day with the whole family. With Celebree being your leading resource for creativity and fun activities, jump...

Kindergarten Readiness ‘Adds Up’ Overtime

Mathematics is one of the core developmental areas of early childhood education. It’s very easy to overlook the importance of math as a parent of a small child or toddler, especially when dealing with more pressing matters such as diapers, nap-time, and eating...

Adjusting to New Siblings

The childcare professionals at Celebree Learning Centers provide valuable tips on how to help your toddler cope when a new baby brother or sister joins the family. The transition from only child to older sibling is often tough on toddlers. It is not uncommon for...

Understanding and Overcoming Toddler Biting

It’s probably safe to add biting to the list of certainties that will be experienced in life alongside death and taxes. At some point, every parent and their toddler can expect to experience a biting incident. It’s really just a matter of whether having...