Preschool | Celebree School
Daycare Vs. Preschool: Which one is for you?

Daycare Vs. Preschool: Which one is for you?

When it comes to choosing the right early childhood program, understanding the distinctions between daycares and preschools can help parents make an informed decision. While daycares provide great custodial care, a premier preschool like Celebree School goes beyond...
Bullying Prevention through Conscious Discipline

Bullying Prevention through Conscious Discipline

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of creating safe and respectful environments for all children. As parents of preschoolers, you play a vital role in shaping your child’s understanding of empathy,...
How To Make Preschool Drop-Offs Easier For Your Child

How To Make Preschool Drop-Offs Easier For Your Child

Preschool drop-offs can be one of the most challenging parts of the day for both parents and children. When your little one clings to you and struggles with the separation, it’s essential to address their feelings with empathy and create a supportive environment to...
Developmental Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children

Developmental Benefits of Outdoor Play for Children

Summer is the perfect time for children to explore the great outdoors, where playtime becomes an essential part of their growth and development. Outdoor activities are not just fun and games; they hold significant benefits for a child’s physical, social,...