In the final installment of the series, “What to Look for in Quality Child Care,” the child development professionals at Celebree Learning Centers describe the components of a nurturing and enriching preschool environment. Preschool is an extremely...
The process of choosing childcare can be overwhelming and confusing to those first seeking care. The decision to have both parents work outside of the home may be a source of stress for some; compounded with needing to find a quality childcare arrangement that works...
The child development professionals at Celebree School discuss the positive and negative aspects of children growing up in the technological age. As a parent, one may ask: How much screen time is too much screen time? How can I balance play time and technology time?...
There’s almost nothing more exciting to a child then a carefree day at the beach or the pool. The same daytrip however, may be a slightly more nerve-wracking experience for a parent. The child development professionals at Celebree Learning Centers provide ways...
The countdown to back-to-school has finally arrived. The childcare professionals at Celebree Learning Centers discuss how you can help your child get acclimated to the new routines that come with the back-to-school season. Whether it’s your first “first...